Latest worldwide news
QA Verifying Gmail on the Road | | If you do not have access to your cellphone for Gmails verification process, there is an option to print out a set of codes. |
Priciest city | | For the second time in three years, the African city of Luanda has been declared the most expensive city in the world for expats by Mercer, a human resources consulting firm. |
Top night adventures in the U.S. | | Mystery, moonlight and the sounds of bat wings flapping replace electricity and artificial sound during a night "off the grid" in nature. |
Explain Obamacare at last | | Dean Obeidallah says Obama's health care plan would attract broad support -- if only the public fully understood it |
U.S. to close Mideast embassies | | The State Department on Thursday ordered temporary closures of key Mideast embassies and consulates out of an abundance of caution due to security concerns, officials said. |
Russia Grants Snowden 1-Year Asylum | | The refugee status in Russia was the first formal support from another government for Edward J. Snowden, the former intelligence contractor wanted for leaking details of surveillance programs. |
Smart, Social and Erratic in Captivity | | A film, a book and a trainers death have renewed debate among scientists and animal advocates on the wisdom and morality of keeping killer whales in marine parks. |
TSA misconduct on the rise | | Their job is to keep air travelers safe in the wake of the September 11, 2001, attacks. But just how good of a job are they doing? |
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